Category Archives: Grade 6

Grade 6 Social Studies Fieldwork – November 2023

On the 6th of November 2023, the Grade 6 class went on a fieldwork to visit the Tarxien temples as part of their Social Studies assessment. They explored in detail the temples […]

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Caritas Parents’ Forum – October 2023

On Thursday 26th October 2023, the school organised a parents’ forum in collaboration with Caritas organisation in the school hall. This session was a follow-up of the focus groups held in […]

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Caritas Sessions – October 2023

On Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October 2023, Caritas Foundation conducted a focus programme with the Grade 6 and Senior 1 classes. The sessions focused on building self-confidence, forming healthy relationships, understanding […]

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Visit to School by Dr Chris Bonett – September 2023

On Thursday 28th September 2023, Dr Chris Bonett, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds, paid a visit to Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School Paola. He was welcomed by Dr Kenneth Vella, […]

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Swimming Activity for Grade 6 Class – June 2023

On Tuesday13th June 2023, there was the much–anticipated Grade 6 outing –an outing which students and teachers alike look forward to after having completed their Nation Benchmark Exams.  This year the girls were taken […]

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Grade 6 Social Studies Fieldwork Description – June 2023

On Monday 5th June 2023, the Grade 6 class visited Valletta as part of their Social Studies fieldwork. The girls had the opportunity to visit various places of interest in […]

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Class of the Week Award – May 2023

On Monday 8th May 2023, the Grade 6 girls were awarded the Class of the Week award following their hard work and exemplary behaviour during the past week, especially for their […]

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FEE Fest -March 2023

FEE Fest   Last week, the Grade 4 and Grade 6 EkoSkola committee members, Skye Bonello, Anthea Manara, Julia Rose Attard, and Kate Falzon, attended the FEE Fest held at […]

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Class of the Week Award – March 2023

On Monday 27th March 2023, the Grade 6 class was presented with the class of the week award for their effort and work during the past weeks. The trophy was […]

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MMSA Peer Education Sessions in the Primary Classes – March 2023

On Friday 24th March 2023, medical students from Malta Medical Students’ Association delivered a session in the primary classrooms. Different sessions were held with different grades to promote a health […]

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