On Thursday 7th March 2024, the Parents-Teachers Association organised a Lenten reflection for parents. The session was held in the school chapel and was led by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school...
On Thursday 24th November 2022, the school held the first day of the school bazaar sale. Various items which were donated by parents were displayed in the school hall. Different classes were invited...
On Monday 10th October 2022, a PTA meeting was held where the following parents/guardians were nominated and appointed as members of the PTA for the next two scholastic years:
On Monday 14th December 2020, the school celebrated the third week of the Advent calendar. A student from each class represented her classmates and participated in the activity. Sr. Kalpna Tirkey...
On 7th October 2019 the PTA Annual General Meeting was held in the school hall. During this meeting Mr. Alan Meilak (Treasurer) read the financial report and Mr. Stephen Bonnici (Chairperson) gave...
On Tuesday 9th
April 2019 an Easter Raffle was held during after break assembly. The Easter Raffle completed the Easter Bazaar
activities in aid of the missions in South Africa that were held...
On Saturday 23rd June 2018, the PTA of Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph School Paola with the help of the school administration, organized the Thanksgiving Mass which has become an annual event in the...
On Wednesday 9 th May 2018 a great number of mothers and grandmothers of students of Mater Boni Consilli participated in a Mothers’ Day Activity organised by the Parent Teacher Association with...
On Thursday 15th and Friday 16th March 2018 our school will be holding its annual Easter Bazaar. Special thanks goes to the parents who give us a helping hand and to Mr Victor Aquilina and Golden...
On Thursday 30th November 2017 and Friday 1st December 2017, the Parents Teachers Association organised the annual Christmas Bazaar and Raffle. In this manner Advent and Christmas could be celebrated...