Grade 4 Activity on Mental Health and Wellbeing – October 2022

The Grade 4 class had an activity on Tuesday 11th October 2022, to coincide with the awareness week about mental health and wellbeing which is being organised by the school. The girls spoke about having sad feelings and discussed ways how they can feel better. They wrote the things that make them sad on a balloon. Then they shared them with their friends and realised that they are not alone in feeling this way. The girls then popped the balloon and discussed how they can ‘pop’ their feelings by talking to someone they trust about these feelings. This will make their feelings almost vanish like the balloon! Inside the balloon they found a positive affirmation note and it made the girls realise that they are all special! The girls also distributed positive messages to staff members. Well done to Ms Julia Buttigieg and Ms Herta Camilleri for coordinating this lesson.