On Monday 29th May 2023, the Grade 4 class was awarded the class trophy. The girls have been working hard during these last weeks. Their work was commended by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School....
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, the mummies of the Grade 4 girls were invited for a morning of activities with their daughters on Friday 12th May 2023. The girls spent time getting to know their...
FEE Fest
Last week, the Grade 4 and Grade 6 EkoSkola committee members, Skye Bonello, Anthea Manara, Julia Rose Attard, and Kate Falzon, attended the FEE Fest held at St Ignatius...
On Friday 24th March 2023, medical students from Malta Medical Students’ Association delivered a session in the primary classrooms. Different sessions were held with different grades to promote a...
On the 6th March 2023, a Maltese author, Ms Moira Scicluna Zahra, visited our school to talk to the Grade 3 and Grade 4 girls about her newly-launched book ‘Id-Dar tal-Ħolm’. Ms Scicluna Zahra...
On Thursday 2nd March 2023, the Grade 4 girls participated in class mass in the school chapel. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, and was animated by the...
On Monday 27th February 2023, the Grade 4 girls were awarded the Class of the Week Award. The class was presented with the trophy by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, during the assembly. The...
On 25th January Christians celebrate the feast of the conversion of St Paul. On Wednesday 25th January 2023, the Pastoral Care Team commemorated this important feast in the Christian calendar. Some...
On Monday 21st November 2022, the Grade 4 class were awarded the Class of the Week Award trophy. The trophy was presented by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, as a reward for the girls’ hard...