Category Archives: Grade 6

A visit to the convent – June 2017

On Friday 9th June,  the grade 6 class had the opportunity to  visit the sisters’ convent.  They showed great interest and were quite  inquisitive .  I am sure it was […]

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Grade 6  Outing – June 2017

On Thursday 9th June there was the  much anticipated Grade 6 outing.  An outing which students and teachers alike look forward to after having completed their Nation Benchmark Exam. This […]

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Grade 6 Math Trail at MIA – March 2017

  On Wednesday 5th March 2017, the Grade 6 class worked on a Math Trail at the Malta International Airport. It was the first time that the girls ventured in […]

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Recycled Art – Grade 6

  For their annual art project, the Grade 6 this scholastic year produced “Recycled Portraits”. The portraits were painted on cereal boxes and used recycled material such as bottle tops, wool […]

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Għar Dalam Outing – Grade 6 – December 2016

On Monday 5 th December, the Grade 6 class went for an educational outing to Għar Dalm. This outing was organised by their class teacher together with their Social Studies teacher […]

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Science Project – Ecosystem – January 2017

During their Science lesson, the Grade 6 class worked together in groups where they focused their attention on what an ecosystem is. They met up, discussed and planned together these […]

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Using tablets for English Grammar Lesson – October 2016

On Wednesday 26th October 2016, for the first time this year the Grade 6 class enjoyed their English Grammar lesson with the use of tablets. Various grammar exercises, accessed through […]

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Caritas talk to Grade 6, Senior 1 and 2 – October 2016

On Tuesday the 25 th October and Wednesday 26 th October 2016 Ms.  Anna Micallef from Caritas held a number of talks to the students of Grade 6 Senior 1 […]

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Grade 6 – 2nd water colour workshop – March 2016

On the 16th of March 2016, grade 6 students had their 2nd water colour workshop related to Edaav’s Imagine Water Project; this was delivered by local artist Mr. Luca Cauchi […]

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Grade 6 Carnival – Feb 2016

The Grade 6 class showing off their creativity! A Carnival  craft activity  done in class. Here we go… ready for the ball !

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