On Friday 18th March, the Grade 4 class had a Lenten session which was led by Sr. Alexandra Chircop, Service Manager for Pastoral Care within the Secretariat for Catholic Education.
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Over the past few weeks, the Eko Skola students conducted an audit among all the students about the use of school transport. Results were collected by the Senior 1 and
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At the beginning of this scholastic year, Level Academy started collaborating with our school to offer sessions on the concept of esports to the Senior 1 and Senior 2 classes
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On Thursday 10th March 2022, the Grade 5 class celebrated mass in the school yard. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, and animated by the girls. During
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On Friday 11th March 2022, the Grade 5 and Grade 6 classes attended a Lenten talk which was led by Fr. Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain. It was a moment where
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On Tuesday 8th March 2022, the Senior 1 and Senior 2 classes had a Lenten talk which was led by Fr. Chris Ellul, Parish Priest of Tarxien Parish Church. Fr. Ellul
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On the 4th of March 2022, the Grade 2 girls had an outing at the Malta Post Museum. They learnt about stamps, letters and letter boxes. Towards the end of
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The school has recently organised a number of activities. Some of the money collected from such activities will be donated to Aid to the Church in Need Malta which is
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Our school is currently hosting 5 German student teachers who are conducting an internship at our school as part of the Erasmus+ KA103 programme. Lisa Zylus and Gianna Graf are
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On Wednesday 2nd March 2022, when the Catholic Church commemorated Ash Wednesday, the Grade 5 students had the opportunity to do some reflections in class. The girls discussed the current
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