Our school has been organising various fundraising events to help people in need. Another fundraising activity was held in Aid to the Church in Need Malta which is supporting religious
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As part of Earth Day celebrations held on Wednesday 11th May 2022, the Eko Skola teachers organised a bottle caps competition among the classes. The girls participated enthusiastically in the...
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On Wednesday 11th May 2022 the school celebrated Earth Day with the main theme being Climate Change. The girls had a day full of different activities. SharkLab Malta, a Non-governmental
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Once again, this scholastic year, our students are participating in Dinja Waħda programme. The Senior 2 class recently held an activity related to the programme. The students were asked to take...
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On Tuesday 3rd May 2022, the Grade 4 class had a cooking activity in preparation of a long writing task about writing instructions. The girls prepared a sandwich with their preferred
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On Tuesday 10th May 2022, the Pre-Grade girls spent the morning at Vincent’s Eco Farm where they were engaged in a number of activities. They started off by feeding the chickens
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Senior 1 Practical Session On the 3rd and 10th May 2022, the girls from Senior 1 created rock buns using the rubbing-in method during the Home Economics lesson. The girls
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On Thursday 5th May 2022, the Pre-Grade and Grade 1 girls organised a picnic at the Chinese Garden, in Santa Luċija, to celebrate Mother’s day. This was a fun
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During the past few days, the primary classes were busy preparing Mother’s Day gifts during the craft lessons. The girls prepared lovely surprises for their mothers like jewel boxes, photo
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During the month of May, the school is commemorating the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary by reciting the rosary during the morning assembly. The girls carry the rosary
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