To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week which falls between Monday 5th February and Sunday 11th February 2024, our Mental Health Student School Council Committee, under the supervision of Ms...
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As an introduction to the topic Place Value, the Grade 1 girls recently had a hands-on activity where they had to use the blocks to represent the given numbers. This
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Eve Fava, of Grade 1, participated in the December 23-January 24 ‘Tfal Missjunarji’ magazine competition. She was required to sketch something that had to do with an activity she had
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On Monday 5th February 2024, the Grade 2 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award trophy. The trophy was presented by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, as a reward
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During the past weeks, the girls were invited to submit work related to the Eco Code. Several entries were submitted by girls from different grades. On Tuesday 31st January 2024, the
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On Friday 26th January 2024, the school organised a pyjama day in aid of Mr Shawn Mifsud who needs to purchase bionic legs and various essential items necessary for him to
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On Tuesday 30th January 2024, the Grade 1 class had a pancake cooking session. The girls learned about the ingredients required to do a pancake. They also learned about the
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During the Maths lesson, the Grade 5 class has been learning all about 3D shapes. On Thursday 25th and Friday 26th January 2024, the girls had an interesting hands-on activity on this
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On Friday 26th January 2024, the Grade 3 girls prepared a ciabatta pizza. During the activity, they learnt about food handing and food hygiene, and all about the ingredients to make
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On Thursday 25th January 2024, the Senior 1 girls participated in class mass which was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain. The celebration was animated by the students...
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