Senior 2 visit to Sisters of St. Joseph’s home in Rabat

This experience was truly amazing .They told us that they had fun talking to us and when we gave them some presents they were overjoyed. My classmates and I had a good time listening to the sisters and they even let us play the piano. This was one of the best outings we had throughout the years.

Sarah Bugeja


Vera ħadna gost li morna għax aħna bdejna nferħu lilhom waqt li huma jferħu lilna. Meta tajnihom ir-rigali bdew jifirħu. Ħafna minnhom bdew jirrakuntaw stejjer tal-passat u ftit minnhom anki fuq il-gwerra. Kienet esperjenza wisq sabiħa li żgur mhu se ninsa’ qatt u nixtieq li xi darba oħra jkolli esperjenza oħra simili.

Jessica Silvio

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