School Calendar First Term 2024-2025
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Recently, the licenses for the Office 2013 Student Advantage have been issued by our providers. These 5 free Office 2013 licenses are available from the portal (which is the Church Schools Malta licensing portal).
In order to access this portal and to download the 5 free copies of Office 2013 to their machines, students and parents/guardians are being provided with a new username and password. This temporary password, which will expire in 90 days, has to be changed on login for the first time.
It is important to note that this new username and password should only be used by parents and students to download the free licenses for Office 2013. Parents and girls still have to use their usual – and password for e-mails and all other functionality.
On our school website you should also find a user manual showing the whole process on how to download this free package.
During the coming days we will be giving our girls a new login for the office student advantage.
For the time being please use this post in order to access the new user manual – we shall be updating the link on the front page shortly.
office365 Pro Package Manual v1.1
Thanks for your attention and co-operation.
Kenneth Vella
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