On Tuesday 5th March 2024, the Grade 2 and Grade 3 classes had an educational outing at Piscopo Gardens where they learnt about different plants. They became familiar with common herbs and local...
On Monday 4th March 2024, the Pastoral Care Team shared some reflections on the Third Sunday of Lent with the focus being the 10 Commandments. Some girls from Senior 2 shared thoughts on the...
On Friday 23rd February 2024, the Grade 3 and Grade 4 classes had a Lenten session which was led by Rev. Karl Andrew Schembri. The girls discussed the story of The Good Samaritan and also had an...
On Friday 26th January 2024, the Grade 3 girls prepared a ciabatta pizza. During the activity, they learnt about food handing and food hygiene, and all about the ingredients to make their pizza....
On Tuesday 28th November 2023, the Grade 3 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award trophy. The trophy was presented by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, as a reward for the girls’ hard...
The Grade 3 class had the opportunity to visit the Malta Book Festival this morning, where they enjoyed a performance by Terramaxka featuring some leading characters from Maltese books. Some...
The Grade 3 class recently worked on an interesting project. The girls practised their cutting skills as well as their sense of collaboration and group work, as they shared the paper strips they cut...
On Monday 22nd May 2023, the Grade 3 class was awarded the Class of the Week trophy. The girls have been working hard during these past weeks and their active engagement and involvement in the...
On Tuesday 16th May 2023, the Grade 3 class had a cooking lesson. The session started with the girls learning about food handling hygiene; washing hands before food preparation, tying hair back and...
On Monday 24th April 2023, the Grade 3 class, went on an educational outing to Għadira Nature Reserve, together with their teachers Ms Veronique Sultana, Ms Ritianne Brincat , Ms Raquel Zarb and Ms...