On Thursday 16th February 2023, the Pregrade, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes had an educational outing at Vincent’s Eco farm in Mġarr. The girls had the opportunity to collect eggs and feed the...
On Friday 3rd February 2023, the Pre-Grade, Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 classes participated in an online STEM live session. The girls were joined by scientists and experts who shared their...
On Monday 6th February 2023, the Grade 2 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award. The girls were presented with the trophy by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, during the assembly. The...
On Thursday 2nd February 2023, the Grade 2 class had mass in the school chapel. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain. This celebration was a preparation of...
On Monday 16th January 2023, the Grade 2 class participated in the morning assembly where they performed the song Rejoice in the Lord Always. The girls were guided by Ms Mary Grace Grech, the Music...
On Wednesday 11th January 2023, a dental hygienist working at Mater Dei Hospital delivered an awareness presentation on dental hygiene for the Grade 1 and Grade 2 girls. The interactive session...
During the last week of the term, the Grade 2 girls wrote their letter to Santa and on Tuesday 20th December 2022, the girls went to post their letters in the letter box close to our school. The...
On Monday 12th December 2022, the Grade 2 girls had mass in the school chapel. This was the first class mass for the girls in preparation of the First Holy Communion which will be celebrated in the...
On Tuesday 6th December 2022, Ms Laura Galea, a Transport Malta representative, gave an interesting presentation to the Grade 2 and Grade 3 girls on sustainable and alternative transport. She...
As part of the activities related to EU Code Week, on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October 2022, the Grade 2 class changed into a building workshop where students followed instructions on a...