Tuesday 21st March 2023 was a very busy day for the Pre-Grade, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes as they were engaged in various activities related to road safety. The educators prepared various...
On Thursday 9th March 2023, the Pre-Grade and Grade 1 classes had a Lenten session. Each session was led by Fr Brian Gialanze’, parish priest of Kalkara parish church. During the sessions, the...
On Thursday 16th February 2023, the Pregrade, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes had an educational outing at Vincent’s Eco farm in Mġarr. The girls had the opportunity to collect eggs and feed the...
On Monday 13th February 2023, the Grade 1 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award. The girls were presented with the trophy by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, during the assembly. The...
On Friday 3rd February 2023, the Pre-Grade, Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 classes participated in an online STEM live session. The girls were joined by scientists and experts who shared their...
On Wednesday 11th January 2023, a dental hygienist working at Mater Dei Hospital delivered an awareness presentation on dental hygiene for the Grade 1 and Grade 2 girls. The interactive session...
On Monday 14th November 2022, the Grade 1 class were awarded the Class of the Week Award trophy. The trophy was presented by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, as a reward for the girls’ hard...
On Tuesday 25th October 2022, the Pre-Grade and Grade 1 girls went for a teddy bear picnic at Ta’ Qali. This outing was related to the theme of ‘Autumn’. The girls collected plenty of autumn...
On Wednesday 15th June 2022, the Pre-grade and Grade 1 classes had a day full of activities at Hibernians Corradino Pavillion to celebrate Father’s Day. The girls had a car wash activity with their...
The Grade 1 girls recently held an activity in relation to Dinja Waħda programme called I Promise. The girls had to colour in a picture of a hedgehog and then complete a promise to take care of...