School Calendar First Term 2024-2025
On Monday 12th April 2021, Dr Kenneth Vella, the school headmaster, presented a certificate of participation to the students who participated in the MEDE #stayhome Online Sportsfest and which was held […]
On Wednesday 24th March 2021, the Grade 5 class organised an online version of The Way of the Cross celebration. The students were given a booklet with the Stations of […]
As the world marks World Down Syndrome Day on 21st March, some of the Grade 5 students wore odd socks to promote this campaign, together with their families. Well done […]
The Grade 5 class recently participated in a Dinja Waħda activity about robins. After reading facts about the robin (Maltese pitirross) and the story Lucky Robin, the students made a robin mobile. The […]
On Thursday 4th March 2021, Fr Leonard Mintoff celebrated mass for the Grade 5 class. Mass was animated by the students. In his homily, Fr Leonard related the events read […]
Members of SportMalta are conducting coaching sessions with Grade 4, 5 and 6 classes during this scholastic year. The sessions are led by Mr Mark Farrugia and Ms Charles Gauci […]
The students at Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph school are preparing well for the celebration of Easter. On Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd February 2021 the Grade 4, 5 and […]
On Thursday 4th February 2021, Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, celebrated mass in the school yard. Mass was animated by the Grade 5 students. Ms Nicole Inguanez and Ms […]
The Grade 5 students along with the help of Ms. Nicole, Ms. Antonella & Ms. Rachel wrote two short stories in Maltese during one of their Maltese fluency lessons. With […]
On Tuesday 24th November 2020, Fr. Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, celebrated mass with the Grade 5 class. Thanks go to Ms Nicole Inguanez and Ms Antonella Cassar for preparing […]
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771