Category Archives: General Activities

Year 5 Dinja Waħda project Feb 2016

On the 1st February, 2016 year 5 did for the Dinja Waħda project. After reading about robins and their habitats, it was decided that, in conjuction with the Art and […]

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Our Lady of Sorrows Mass 2016

On Friday, 18th March 2016 students, staff, members of the community of St.  Joseph Paola and a great number of parents celebrated Holy Mass to commemorate the Lady of Sorrows. […]

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Installation of a centralized Air Conditioning system in the Upper Classes – April 2016

During the Easter holidays a great deal of maintenance work was carried out at school.  As had been promised at the beginning of this scholastic year 2015-2016 to the students and […]

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Haley Cassar Water Quiz Report STJ Paola – 2016

On Tuesday 15th March 2016, a group of Form 1 and 2 girls from our school St Joseph Mater Boni Consilii Paola, had the opportunity to participate in a national […]

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Way of the Cross – March 2016

On the 17th March 2016, our school organised the Way of the Cross as part of the activities organised during Lent.  This activity was done in the school yard with […]

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Literacy Skills Talk – Oct 2015

On Wednesday 14th October 2015 Ms.  Josanne Pace Schiavone and Ms.  Sonia Zammit from the Literacy Team held a very interesting talk with the parents of the students of Grade […]

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Childrens’ Day Celebration – Nov 2015

On Thursday 12th November 2015 the students and staff at Mater Boni Consilii celebrated Childrens’ Day at Ta’ Qali Park.  The students spent the morning relaxing, talking, playing and enjoying […]

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Animal Awareness Day – Oct 2015

On Wednesday 21st October 2015 as part of the annual school calendar of events the staff, students and their families celebrated Animal Awareness Day at St.  Joseph Mater Boni Consilii […]

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Welcome to the start of the new scholastic year 2015-2016

Welcome to the start of the new scholastic year 2015-2016 Welcome to a great start to the new scholastic year 2015-2016 at Mater Boni Consilii St.  Joseph School Paola.  Each […]

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Meeting for parents of pupils starting Pre-Grade – 2015

Meeting for parents of pupils starting Pre-Grade 26th June 2015 Dear Parents, REMINDER I would like to inform you that there will be a meeting for parents of pupils starting […]

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