The Grade 1 class was involved in an interesting activity towards the end of this scholastic year. The girls chose a classmate and they wrote a short note to her.
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During this scholastic year, the Senior 2 students were invited to participate in the Young Reporters for the Environment competition by writing articles about environmental issues, under the...
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On the 23rd May, the Grade 5s students took part in the EU Code Week Celebration during their ICT lessons. The girls had to create an animated dialogue through their
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During this scholastic year, the Senior classes were invited to participate in the Lions International Peace Poster Competition which is an international contest that encourages children to...
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After 9 years at Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph Paola School, it is time for the Senior 2 girls to bid farewell to the school community. As a sign of
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On Wednesday 19th June 2024, the school welcomed 4 Estonian educators. Ms Gerli Hõrak, Ms Kerly Siimpere, Ms Kaire Toome and Ms Siiri Harrati are educators from Pärnu who work in a
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On Friday 14th June 2024, the school celebrated a farewell mass for the Senior 2 students. Mass was animated by the girls. At the end of the celebration, the girls passed on
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To celebrate Father’s Day, the Grade 1 girls prepared an interesting craft for their daddies. The girls had to design a sun hat. They used the sponging technique to decorate
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On Friday 14th June 2024, the school celebrated the feast of St Emilie de Vialar. Mass was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, in the school yard. During
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On Thursday 13th June 2024, the Grade 4 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award. The trophy was presented by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, as
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