School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
Environment Day Celebration 2018
On Tuesday 8th May 2018 the staff, Sisters of St Joseph, students,parents and distinguished guests celebrated Environment Day at Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph Paola. This day showcases of all the hard-work done by everyone at school where each class has the opportunity to display all the work done during the scholastic year which is directly linked with the Environment and Sustainability. The theme chosen for this year was Food and Water Sustanibility. Several lessons focused on Fair Trade, Organic Farming, Palm Oil Issues and the use of local produce.
For this occasion Dr. Claire Bonello, presided and inaugurated the official opening of the morning’s activities followed by Tree Planting. Among other distinguished guests were special guests from the Eko-Skola, YRE, LEAF, WER and HSBC Bank as well as Nature Trust and Dinja Wahda.
The event consisted of a morning of activities which included speeches by the Eko Skola committee and Dr. Kenneth Vella school headmaster – as well as speeches by our honoured guests, Dr. Claire Bonello, and Mr. Vince Attard from Nature Trust and Audrey Gauci from YRE who presented a book to Elisa Sacco finalist in the photographic YRE competition on behalf of the school.
The first part of the programme ended by the tree-planting of a hawthorn tree by Dr. Claire Bonello and the Head of School. The special guests were then invited in the hall to inaugurate the exhibition whilst parents were invited to join in for the second part of the event. The morning’s activities were also interspersed with musical interludes by the school choir under the direction of Ms. Mary Grace Grech.
For the second part of the programme the students were grouped together with their teachers and parents/guardians to participate in a talk about Waste separation by Wasteserve representative as well as to engage in several activities in rotation-stations.
The activities ranged from the We Eat Responsibly floor-game in the yard, to interactive games about the environment, Fair Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals as well as story- telling for the younger ones. One of the stations was also a healthy bake sale coordinated by the LEAF committee. Special thanks goes also to Golden Harvest, The Convenience Shop, General Soft Drinks and Bertrand Gatt greengrocer for supporting this event.
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