On Wednesday 15th November 2017, all the students form Mater Boni Consilii School celebrated Children’s Day in Mdina and Rabat.
The various classes could walk about Mdina and Mdina Ditch, visit...
On Friday the 20th October the Grade 3s and 4s experienced their first session of Creative
Thinking delivered by Mr. Joe Woods and Mr. Norman Cristina from CreoLabs. During the
sessions the...
On Monday the 9th October 2017 grade 3s had an interactive coding session with the use of the tablets during Ms. Cristina’s ICT lesson. This activity was conducted to mark European Code Weeks...
On Friday the 14th of October the Grade 3s and 4s experienced their first session of Creative Thinking delivered by Mr. Joe Woods and Mr. Norman Cristina from CreoLabs.
During the sessions...
Once Upon a Tablet.....
The following photos are a portfolio of all the activities that we have been up to in Grade 3 over the last term special focus was given to our Tablet Pilot Project. ...
On the 23rd March Mr.Julio Pace and Ms. Louise Crucetta came in to school to give out a water-conservation talk to the grades 3-6.
This talk was very much appealing for both the students and also...
The morning assemblies continue to be held by the various classes. Over the past weeks the Grades 4,3 and 2 prepared and presented their morning assemblies.The themes covered were appreciation of...
On Friday 28th February the Grade 2 and 3 collaborated on Fruit Activity. The girls joined classes and helped each other cut and serve fruit in the form of pictures. This was an initiative taken up...