The Grade 3 girls recently worked on a fun creative writing activity in class about their pet. The girls sent in photos of their pet which were shared with their classmates. During the lesson the...
On Thursday 30th September 2021, the Grade 3 class had their first mass for this scholastic year. Mass was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, in the school yard and was animated...
On Tuesday 8th June 2021, the Grade 3 girls carried out an experiment about the solar system. They created the solar system using fruit and other food like salami and cheese. Through this activity,...
On Thursday 3rd June 2021, the Senior 1 students had a talk on the benefits of the consumption of fish oil. The talk was led by Mr Charles Micallef, a researcher and a parent of one of our students...
On Tuesday 18th May 2020, the Grade 3 class had the First Holy Communion mass at Christ the Church Basilica. This activity could not be held last scholastic year due to the challenges experienced...
On Thursday 6th May 2021, the Grade 3 students had mass in the school yard. Mass was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, and was animated by the students. During the homily. Fr...
Thursday 22nd April 2021 marked the third and last day of the sports festival. Grade 1, Grade 3 and Grade 6 classes participated in today’s events. Every class took part in several sports...
On Monday 12th April 2021, Dr Kenneth Vella, the school headmaster, presented a certificate of participation to the students who participated in the MEDE #stayhome Online Sportsfest and which was...
Thanks goes to Ms Caroline Demicoli Brincat, (the parent of two of our former students, Venise and Rihanna), and her relatives who offered to repair a statue of the Holy Mary which was broken from...
On Thursday 4th March 2021, Grade 2 and Grade 3 classes had Lenten talks which were led by Fr. Gilbert Scicluna, Vice Parish Priest of Paola Parish Church. Fr. Gilbert Scicluna discussed the meaning...