On the 23rd March Mr.Julio Pace and Ms. Louise Crucetta came in to school to give out a water-conservation talk to the grades 3-6. This talk was very much appealing
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On Friday 20th March, twelve girls from the Senior 2 class took part in a Mental Maths Competition known as the SuperTmatik Challenge. This challenge is held on an international
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We collected plastic buckets from each class and covered them old newspapers. To make them more creative, the teachers bought us some spraying cans and we sprayed inside the buckets
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St Vincent De Paul On the 19th of February, some eco-members came to St Vincent De Paul to take part in an audit. They were accommodated with a booklet to
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The Grade 5 and 6 had their Lenten talks at Dar l-Emigrant in Valletta by Fr A. Vella. Before mass they stopped at the Upper Barrakka to admire the view
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W E I H N A C H T S G E B Ä C K In December Form 2 students studying German were baking and decorating traditional German
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The girls from the primary section of the Eko-Skola committee attended the activity Plant a Tree for Peace, which was organised by LEAF in order to promote sustainability in such
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