Updated version of St Joseph School Regulations September 2016 are now available on the website.
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16th May 2016 Dear Parents, I would like to inform you that there will be a meeting for parents of pupils starting Pre-Grade, on Monday 12th September 2016 at 6.00pm
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24th June 2016 Dear Parents, Although we are in the middle of summer, preparations are under way to have everything ready for the start of the new scholastic year, which
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On Wednesday 6th April, a group of students from the Senior classes took part in a Mental Maths Competition known as the SuperTmatik Challenge. This challenge is held on an international
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Environmental Checklist answers Click on the link below to view this power point show Environmental Checklist answers
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Wednesday, 9th March 2016. This year’s Lenten talks were delivered by Sr Doris Sammut and Mons. A. Vella who both talked about God’s Divine Mercy. After mass the girl enjoyed
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On the 1st February, 2016 year 5 did for the Dinja Waħda project. After reading about robins and their habitats, it was decided that, in conjuction with the Art and
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On Friday, 18th March 2016 students, staff, members of the community of St. Joseph Paola and a great number of parents celebrated Holy Mass to commemorate the Lady of Sorrows.
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During the Easter holidays a great deal of maintenance work was carried out at school. As had been promised at the beginning of this scholastic year 2015-2016 to the students and
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