The scholastic year 2016-2017 is underway

Another scholastic year is well under way.  In preparation for the new academic year the members of staff participated in a number of meetings and seminars organised for them on the 22nd and 23 rd September 2016.

On Thursday 22nd September 2016 – all the staff gathered with other members of the community at St.  Joseph’s to celebrate Holy Mass in the Convent Chapel.  Mass was celebrated by Fr. D. Mangani.

After Mass the staff gathered in the school hall for a presentation by the Head of School Dr. Kenneth Vella who welcomed the new additions to our staff and outlined the challenges for the year ahead.

On Friday 23 rd September the staff were joined by Mr. Mario Mansueto who discussed Health and Safety issues and the School Evacuation Plan with the staff.  This session was followed by a PD session lead by Mr.  Anthony Satariano about AfL strategies.  Later the teaching staff were joined by Mr.  Woods who lead a presentation regarding NOVAWOMAN and introduced the CREOLABS sessions.


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