Reading Champions - 2023 

The Literacy and Information Support Unit, in collaboration with the National Book Council and the Department of Curriculum and Management, organised the annual Reading Champions, as part of a nationwide campaign for the promotion of reading. The main objective of this initiative is to give recognition not only to those students who are proficient readers in Maltese and English, but also to those who have made an effort to improve their reading skills, as well as those pupils who promote reading. On Thursday 19th November 2023, three Senior 2 students from our school, Amy Leigh PisaniSarah Sacco and Nicole Spiteri, were awarded a certificate as well as book prizes after being nominated for their efforts. On Friday 20th November 2023, Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, congratulated the girls during the morning assembly. Well done to Amy, Sarah and Nicole. Thanks to Ms Mary Grace Grech, the Library teacher, for coordinating this initiative.