Participation in the Science Safari 2022

On Saturday 26th March 2022, a group of Senior 2 students took part in the Science Safari 2022 organised by the Science Centre in Pembroke, within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes. The students had a race against time to apply their knowledge of science and technology to solve a number of clues and hunt for the relevant object in their own homes in this virtual treasure hunt. Five teams took part from our school which were made up of Eliza Scicluna, Martina Cassar, Faith Mizzi, Gabrielle Sevasta, Krista Meilak, Kelly Magro, Cassidy Spiteri Farrugia, Julia Borg, Shezny Schembri, Jasmine Psaila, Yasmine Camilleri and Svetlana Micallef. Well done, girls for your participation. Thank you to the girls’ relatives for their support and to Ms. Madeleine Agius Carbonaro, the Science teacher, who supported and guided the girls in this activity.