MELT Project – November 2018

Managing Emotions in Learning and Teaching and Building Inclusive Environments is the Erasmus + funded project that the school – Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph School Paola will be participating in starting with the first mobility of students and teachers between 19th – 25th November in Rome. The school is participating with 5 other schools from various countries. The other participants come from Lithunia, Portugal, England and Italy as well as France.
The students and teachers have already started preparing for the visit to Rome by completing a number of tasks for the project making use of the E- Twinning platform. Due to the nature of the topics being discussed during the first visit, the school will be represented by Katrina Bartolo and Megan Ekezie from the Eko Skola council. Ms. Annmarie Camilleri – The Dinja Wahda coordinator will be accompanying the girls.