On Tuesday the 9th May Mater Boni Consilii School Paola celebrated its yearly Environment Day Celebration for the year 2017. This day serves as a showcase of all the hard-work done by everyone at school where each class has the opportunity to display all the work done during the scholastic year which is directly linked with the Environment and Sustainability. This year’s theme was Eating Responsibly where several lessons focused on Fair Trade, Organic Farming, Palm Oil Issues, Local Products, reading labels before buying a product, choosing products with less-packaging … The programme started with messages by the Head of School, Sister Provincial, the Eko-Skola and LEAF committees and the School Council Representatives; special guests from the Eko-Skola, YRE, LEAF, Kopin, MUT and Sustech. Also present for this activity was the national coordinator of Dinja Wahda Ms Mary Rita Zammit who also made book presentations to the school as the school has been actively involved in the Dinja Wahda over a number of years and was awarded the gold award and the blue banner. Together with the School-Choir gave their input as well. the first part of the programme ended by the tree-planting of a carob tree by Mr. Kevin Bonello and the Head of School; after this, the special guests were invited in the hall to inaugurate the exhibition whilst parents were invited to join in for the second part of the event. The students were then split in two where the upper grades together with their teachers and parents / guardians were invited to participate in a talk about Fair Trade given by Say It representative, whilst the lower grades engaged themselves in several activities and in the form of 8-minute rotation-stations including the We Eat Responsibly floor-game in the yard, singing songs and watching videos about the environment and also puppet-making with the use of recycled materials; after approximately half an hour, the lower grades where invited for the Fair Trade talk whilst the upper grades participated in the 8-minute rotation-stations where activities ranged from discussions and propositions about the Sustainable Development Goals, to music videos and the We Eat Responsibly game. Break followed, during which there was the LEAF committee’s craft sale to raise funds for the new Herb / Crop Garden; during break, everyone had the opportunity to eat a healthy snack and after this, Form 2 performed their dance. The closure of the event was by a Zumba session where students, teachers, parents / guardians and everyone present joined in the fun!
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