Category Archives: General Activities

First Friday Mass – October 2016

On Friday 7th October 2016 the st

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Resource room 2016

Over the past year, the Support Room, found in the New Wing, has undergone a radical transformation. With the help of resources bought by the school, as well as those […]

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The scholastic year 2016-2017 is underway

Another scholastic year is well under way.  In preparation for the new academic year the members of staff participated in a number of meetings and seminars organised for them on […]

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Sicily Day Trip – July 2016

On Friday the 1st of July 2016 a group of 31 students from Senior 1 and Senior 2 accompanied by 3 of their teachers, had the opportunity to experience on […]

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School calendar 2016 -2017


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Meeting for parents of pupils starting Pre-Grade 2016

16th May 2016 Dear Parents, I would like to inform you that there will be a meeting for parents of pupils starting Pre-Grade, on Monday 12th September 2016 at 6.00pm […]

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Parents’ Meetings September 2016

24th June 2016 Dear Parents, Although we are in the middle of summer, preparations are under way to have everything ready for the start of the new scholastic year, which […]

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Mental Maths Competition 2015-2016

On Wednesday 6th April, a group of students from the Senior classes took part in a Mental Maths Competition known as the SuperTmatik Challenge. This challenge is held on an international […]

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Environmental Checklist

Environmental Checklist answers Click on the link below to view this power point show Environmental Checklist answers

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Lenten talks 2016

Wednesday, 9th March 2016.   This year’s Lenten talks were delivered by Sr Doris Sammut  and Mons. A. Vella who both talked about God’s Divine Mercy. After mass the girl enjoyed […]

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