School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Thursday 3rd June 2021, the Senior 1 students had a talk on the benefits of the consumption of fish oil. The talk was led by Mr Charles Micallef, a researcher and a parent of one of our students whose contribution has led to the success of the distribution of the fish oil in the Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes during this scholastic year. During the talk, the students also had the opportunity to ask questions to Mr Micallef. At the end of the talk, the students were given a leaflet prepared by Holland and Barrett which explains the benefits of consuming fish oil. The school presented a gift to Mr Micallef as a sign of appreciation towards Mr Micallef’s contribution to this project. The presentation was done by Angelica Micallef, a Senior 1 student. Thanks to Mr Micallef for his collaboration with the school during this project and also to Holland and Barrett.
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