School Participation in Financial Capability Conference in Malta – October 2024

This scholastic year, our school is participating in a project organised by JA Malta Foundation about Financial Literacy. On Tuesday 15th October, Ms Cristina Spiteri, IT teacher and 1 of the link teachers working on this project, attended a conference entitled ‘Together for Financial Wellbeing’ where several interesting topics were discussed. After the opening speeches by JA Malta Foundation CEO Matthew Caruana, Capable Mind Founder Petra Ellul Mercer, and JA Malta Chairperson Fabianne Ruggier, the first speaker, Susan Hayes Culleton discussed whether Financial Education has an impact on a country’s economy; the audience could intervene, ask and answer questions that were accessed through a link provided, making it a more interactive and pro-active session. There were also 2 panel discussions, one on Building a Financial Capable Generation and the other on Equipping Students for the Future. The second keynote speaker, Camine Di Noia addressed the Gaps in Financial Literacy amongst students according to the PISA Financial Literacy Outcomes. There was the launch of the Financial Capability Awards and also of the Centre of Excellence Financial Education and Entrepreneurship, and this is where our school intervened with a short video prepared by Ms Amy Lewis, P.E. teacher, Ms Mary Grace Grech, Library and Music teacher, and Ms Cristina. Ms Amy, Ms Mary Grace and Ms Cristina have embarked on this project and will be integrating the teaching of financial literacy in P.E., Music and Library lessons, and ICT to produce an e-book about ideas and recipes with left-over food. The conference was ended by the Hon. Minister of Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.