When the choir was formed in 1994, about 20 girls formed part of the choir in this school. These girls came from grades 4, 5 and 6 and senior I and II. The choir mistress was, Mrs. Carmen Esposito, who today is the school music teacher.
The choir meets once a week after school hours, that is, between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. After some voice warming up, the girls are taught songs which the choir mistress prepares. During the first term of school, some Christmas songs are taught for the school concert which is held in December.
Then in January, the choir mistress prepares a programme for the annual concert held in May for which the children’s parents are present. This programme consists of various songs in Maltese, English and Italian, together with a musical.
Over the years, the school choir was invited to sing during weddings, church celebrations, concerts in various halls and also funerals. The number of girls during the past years went up to 41, which is a very good number.
In October, the girls are very anxious to start, while the newcomers are asked for an audition after which nearly all of them are chosen.
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771
Email: materbon@gmail.com