School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
Last scholastic year, under the guidance of Ms Cristina Spiteri and Ms Mary Grace Grech, the Grade 5 and Grade 6 classes participated in the Connecting Classrooms Project with KMS school in Ethiopia. This initiative is a digital education project funded through the Overseas Development Assistance fund of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta. Our girls participated in online sessions through video calls with students of KMS school where they shared information about their respective countries. The theme of last scholastic year was ‘National Authors’, so the work which was carried out both in class, and, during the video calls, dealt with this topic. One of the sessions was led by Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Dr Ian Borg. The success of this project led to an extension to another scholastic year and the participation of more Maltese and African schools. Our school looks forward to another year of collaboration with KMS school.
This initiative was being taken thanks to the support of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Trade, and the collaboration between the head of school, Dr Kenneth Vella, who is also Non-Resident Ambassador of Malta to Estonia and Finland, and Mr Ronald Micallef, Ambassador of Malta to Ethiopia and Representative of Malta to the African Union.
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