School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Friday 15th March, the students who form part of the Ekoskola team of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School Paola, grouped up during today’s post-break assembly and explained why a protest is being held all around the world. The students explained how this protest’s objective is that of combatting the dangers that are being provoked by climate change.
Due to excessive global warming, a lot of animals are being endangered or are becoming extinct too. The girls explained what actions to take, in order not to pollute our planet Earth further. For example, to make use of carpooling or use electric cars, reduce noise pollution amongst other things. This action was taken by the Ekoskola committee to join the protest started by Greta Thunberg together with youths from around the world.
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old girl from Sweden, who last August began camping outside the Swedish parliament and accused lawmakers of failing to uphold their commitments to fight climate change as agreed to under the Paris climate accord. Last December, Thunberg was invited to speak to climate negotiators in Poland and recently to leaders in Davos, Switzerland. She has now been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
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