School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Friday 10th May, instead of the usual Italian lesson, the Senior 2 students brought with them from home several delicious food items that are typically Italian, such as panini al tonno, pomodori e olive, tramezzini con il Prosciutto di Parma, biscotti dietetici e alla mela, tortine alla vaniglia, cornetti alla crema, crostate alla pesca, pane con la Nutella e il cioccolato bianco, fette biscottate normali e integrali con la marmellata all’albicocca e al miele e succhi d’arancia e altri ancora che erano esotici.
The girls prepared presentations related to the various ‘alimenti’ and what they consisted of and finally they shared these delicacies with each other.
This colazione all’italiana was enjoyable but it was fruitful too since the Italian language and culture were learnt simultaneously, in terms of the effort to present the Italian food in the best of ways.
The pupils were very engaged and enthusiastic in all the preparations and execution of the tasks set so much so that they did their utmost for the activity to be a success!
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