School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Tuesday 18th May 2020, the Grade 3 class had the First Holy Communion mass at Christ the Church Basilica. This activity could not be held last scholastic year due to the challenges experienced during the pandemic. All mitigation measures were observed during this activity. Mass was celebrated by the school chaplain, Fr Leonard Mintoff, and animated by the students. Music was directed by Ms Mary Grace Grech, the Music teacher. Ms Stephanie Saliba and Ms Donna Muscat, their former educators, were also present for this special event. At the end of the celebration the Headmaster, Dr Kenneth Vella, and Fr. Leonard presented each girl with gifts. Special thanks to Ms Julia Buttigieg, Ms Clare Meilak and Ms Roberta Gatt who prepared the girls for this special occasion, as well as Ms Alexia Brincau and Ms Ruth Mansueto, the Assistant Heads, who helped in the coordination of this event. Thanks also to Fr. Marc Andre Camilleri, the parish priest, and also to Fr Leonard.
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