School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Monday 31st January 2022 the school commemorated the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace during the morning assembly. Julia Rose Attard, Emma Bishop, Amy Pisani, Courtney Said, Jade Azzopardi and Emma Falzon shared some information about this celebration and its significance. The Senior 2 students prepared a chart with the message of this commemoration: «Universal Love, Non-violence and Peace. Universal Love is better than egoism, Non-violence is better than violence, and Peace is better than war». Dr. Vella insisted that seeking peace should start within us with our attitude towards others, by being friendly and inclusive. He reminded the girls about the message which Cardinal Mario Grech passed on to them during last Friday’s visit, that of showing gratitude to one another in order to maintain peace and consolidate friendships. A culture of peace will lead to sustainable development. At the end of the activity, a song about peace was sung by the girls, under the direction of Ms. Mary Grace Grech, the Music teacher.
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