School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Monday 14th October 2024, the Parent-Teachers’ Association held a meeting to discuss upcoming activities for the Christmas period. The meeting was led by Vice President-Elect, Mr Eric Flask. The […]
On Wednesday 17th October 2024, the school held the Parent-Teachers Association General Meeting, where the new PTA committee was formed for the next two scholastic years. The following parents/guardians were […]
On Thursday 7th March 2024, the Parents-Teachers Association organised a Lenten reflection for parents. The session was held in the school chapel and was led by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the […]
On Thursday 24th November 2022, the school held the first day of the school bazaar sale. Various items which were donated by parents were displayed in the school hall. Different […]
On Monday 10th October 2022, a PTA meeting was held where the following parents/guardians were nominated and appointed as members of the PTA for the next two scholastic years: President […]
On Monday 14th December 2020, the school celebrated the third week of the Advent calendar. A student from each class represented her classmates and participated in the activity. Sr. Kalpna […]
On 7th October 2019 the PTA Annual General Meeting was held in the school hall. During this meeting Mr. Alan Meilak (Treasurer) read the financial report and Mr. Stephen Bonnici […]
On Tuesday 9th April 2019 an Easter Raffle was held during after break assembly. The Easter Raffle completed the Easter Bazaar activities in aid of the missions in South Africa […]
On Saturday 23rd June 2018, the PTA of Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph School Paola with the help of the school administration, organized the Thanksgiving Mass which has become an […]
On Wednesday 9 th May 2018 a great number of mothers and grandmothers of students of Mater Boni Consilli participated in a Mothers’ Day Activity organised by the Parent Teacher […]
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771