Category Archives: Grade 3

Grade 3 Educational Outing to Mdina  – January 2023

On Thursday 26th January 2023, the Grade 3 class went on a school trip to Mdina. First they explored the Natural History Museum, where they learnt about the classification of animals, […]

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Class of the Week Award – January 2023

On Monday 30th January 2023, the Grade 3 class was awarded the Class of the Week Award. The girls were presented with the trophy by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of […]

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T.F.A.L. Programme for Grade 3 and 5 Classes  – Jaunary 2023

During the first term, the Grade 3 and Grade 5 classes followed the T.F.A.L. (Tfal Favur Ambjent Liberu) programme. This programme is organised by Sedqa Agency and is offered to our students every year. […]

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Sustainable and Alternative Transport Session – December 2022

On Tuesday 6th December 2022, Ms Laura Galea, a Transport Malta representative, gave an interesting presentation to the Grade 2 and Grade 3 girls on sustainable and alternative transport. She […]

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Class of the Week Award  – November 2022

On Monday 7th November 2022, the Grade 3 class were awarded the Class of the Week Award trophy. The presentation was done by Sr Agnes Palaiologou, Superior General of the Sisters of St […]

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Learning about Plants  – October 2022

The Grade 3 girls have been learning a lot about plants. They learnt that new plants can grow either by planting seeds or by planting part of the plant, like […]

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Grade 3 Special Assembly – October 2022

During the month of October, the Pastoral Care Team worked on the theme of Creation. Different activities were held in connection with this theme. On Thursday 27th October 2022, the Grade […]

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Grade 3 Mass – June 2022

On Thursday 9th June 2022, the Grade 3 class celebrated mass in the school chapel. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain. Thanks to Ms. Veronique Sultana and Ms. […]

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Grade 3 Outing at Għadira Nature Reserve – May 2022

On Monday 16th May 2022, the Grade 3 girls went on a lovely outing to Għadira Nature Reserve. There we met Mr Victor Falzon, who explained to the girls all about the area, the […]

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Dinja Waħda Grade 3 Activity – Sparrow in a Spot – April 2022

This scholastic year, the students at Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School are participating once again in Dinja Waħda programme. The Grade 3 class recently held an activity related to […]

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