School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Wednesday 15th November 2017, all the students form Mater Boni Consilii School celebrated Children’s Day in Mdina and Rabat. The various classes could walk about Mdina and Mdina Ditch, […]
On Tuesday 24th October 2017, during their science lesson the Grade 2 learnt about how to look after their teeth. The girls were engaged in a hands- on experiment. They saw […]
Have you got any old T shirts? Don’t throw them away… they can be recycled!! Last Friday, 28th April 2017, the Grade 2 students recycled t- shirts and they made […]
Presentations in Grade 2 take the form of show and tell. The students present an item or a topic of their choice and share it with the rest of their […]
On Friday the 25th of November 2016, the grade 2 girls had the opportunity to learn about the months and seasons in a fun and enjoyable way by means of […]
On Wednesday 23rd November 2016, the grade 2 girls planted vetches seeds. They are also looking after them by watering them when needed.
During November 2016, the Grade 2 students participated in a number of craft lessons related to Christmas. The first Christmas craft that they completed was the nativity crib. The girls […]
A sweet class photo taken in Rabat during the children’s day celebration on Thursday 10th November 2016.
The grade 2 girls enjoyed baking delicious biscuits. The shape of different leaves and the autumn colours made these biscuits even more exciting. The activity was held on Thursday 3rd […]
During the lesson of All Around Us, the girls learnt about different houses and dwellings. In order to understand better the different types of dwellings, the girls were shown a […]
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771