School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
On Thursday 27th May 2021, Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, celebrated mass with the Grade 6 class. Mass was animated by the students. This was a special occasion for […]
The Grade 4 students are working on journal writing using their tablets during the English lessons. They have been working on their stories for several weeks. This exercise gives the girls […]
During the last term, Missio Malta is organising an online session with all the primary and secondary classes during the religion lessons. During these sessions, students get to know about […]
On Thursday 20th May 2021, mass for Grade 5 class was held in the school yard. It was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, and was animated by […]
On Wednesday 19th May 2020, the pre-grade girls had a fairytale day. They came to school dressed up as fairies and princess. Different activities around the theme of fairytales were […]
As part of the Earth Day activities held on 12th May 2021, Senior 2 students, guided by Ms Madeleine Agius Carbonaro, Ms Katia Camilleri and Ms Rebecca Cassar, learned to […]
On Tuesday 18th May 2020, the Grade 3 class had the First Holy Communion mass at Christ the Church Basilica. This activity could not be held last scholastic year due […]
On Tuesday 18th May 2021, the pre-grade girls together with Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes, had assembly in the school yard for the first time this scholastic year. After […]
On Monday 17th May 2021, the school held its first outdoor assembly in the school yard for Grade 5 and 6 classes as well as the Senior 1 and 2 students. […]
As part of the Eko Skola’s aim to work towards reaching one of the goals chosen for the current cycle, responsible consumption and production, the Eko Skola committee recently conducted […]
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