As a follow-up to the environmental audit carried out in April, the Eko Skola committee recently conducted another environmental audit about the use of lunchboxes, water bottles and face masks...
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On Friday 18th June 2021, the Grade 2 girls had a camping experience in the school yard. They had various hands-on activities related to camping such as learning how to do basic
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On the occasion of Father’s Day which will be celebrated on Sunday 21st June 2021, the primary classes carried out different activities related to the event. The Pre-grade and Grade 1
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On Thursday 10th June 2021, the school celebrated the last class mass for this scholastic year. Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain, with the Senior
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The Grade 6 girls were recently engaged in an activity using the online resource from Estonia, 99Math. The activity involved various topics where the students, although they played individually,...
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On Tuesday 8th June 2021, the Grade 3 girls carried out an experiment about the solar system. They created the solar system using fruit and other food like salami and
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The Grade 6 girls recently had an activity related to the Dinja Waħda programme. The girls were provided with information regarding different species living in Malta’s shallow waters. Each...
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The past few weeks have been characterised by warmer weather. For this reason, the air conditioners in the classrooms are being used to keep the classrooms cool so that the
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On Thursday 3rd June 2021, the Grade 4 students had an interesting Science lesson. They investigated different methods of separating techniques such as handpicking, magnetism and sieving. The girls...
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On Friday 4th June 2021, Dr Kenneth Vella, the Head of School, presented a book to Michaela Mifsud, Kaylee Cassar and Kristianne Caruana, of Senior 2, for accumulating 5 commendation
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