In the past days, Megan Bugeja and Kyona Buttigieg, two of our Senior 1 students and members of the Eco Skola committee represented the school in an Erasmus experience in
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On Thursday 21st March 2019, at school we celebrated Odd Socks Day. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It was an opportunity for our girls to express themselves,
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Although Friday 15th March was a rainy and windy day, our girls in grades 5 and 6 still managed to continue with their robotics sessions in the main yard. They
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On Friday 15th March, the students who form part of the Ekoskola team of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School Paola, grouped up during today’s post-break assembly and explained
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On Thursday 14th March, Dr Kenneth Vella, headmaster, presented a donation to Mr Stephen Axisa, National Director of ACN Malta (Aid to the Church in Need). The money was collected
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During the past days, the school continued to invest in more resources for the library. This with the purchase of new books. Ms Mary Grace Grech, librarian, was presented with
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As a school we would like to welcome our new member of staff, Ms. Lycia Bezzina, who is teaching History, Religion and Etiquette in Senior 1 & 2
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The Grade 5 student have completed their project work for their Social Studies project ‘Il-Festa tar-Raħal’ which was used as part of their continuous assessment . The girls presented their
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On Wednesday 6th March 2019 the students, staff and members of the community of Mater Boni Consilii St. Joseph Paola celebrated Holy Mass in the school yard. Mass was celebrated
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On Thursday 7th February 2019, the Grade 6 students took part in a fieldwork activity in Valletta which was linked to their recent Social Studies lessons related to the Great
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