Christmas Celebration at Christ the King Basilica – December 2022

On Monday 19th December 2022, the school celebrated Christmas mass at Christ the King Basilica, Paola. Holy Mass was celebrated by the school’s chaplain, Fr. Leonard Mintoff, and was animated by the girls. The activity started with the pageant where several girls from different classes formed the crib. The choir was formed by the Grade 6 girls under the direction of Ms Mary Grace Grech, the Music teacher. Sarah Sacco, Krista Pisani, Yasmine Pullicino, Hayley Spiteri and Julia Vella played a musical instrument, together with Ms Marica Grieco Falanga.


During mass, the girls made offerings of prayers which were written by the girls themselves. They also offered food stuff which was collected during the month of December.

Thanks goes to the Pastoral Care Team for the organisation of mass, Ms. Mary Grace Grech for animating the mass with music and to the ancillary staff for helping out in the preparation of the mass. Special thanks goes also to Ms Alison Borg who coordinated the costumes worn for the pageant.


The school thanks the numerous parents and relatives who attended for this activity.