School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
During the 19 Century several Apostolic Congregations settled in Malta The Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition were the first to open Schools and cater for children in need. Both Valetta and Sliema benefited by the presence of the Sisters there. In fact there were many calls for help from various Casalis.
The need of Paola was considered most urgent, and the Sisters opened the Mater Boni Consilii School in 1910. After a couple of decades, due to the ever increasing demands for school children, new – premises were opened on the actual site and the Convent and School were then transferred to Zabbar Road, in 1926
The village of Paola owns its name to the Grand Master Antoine de Paule 1623 —1636. Who was most generous in endowing Paola with St Ubaldesca Church at his own expense. Paola grew after World War I and saw rapid changes due to the ever growing workmen force at the Dockyard.
The purpose of this new foundation was to give a good Christian education and to prepare the young generation to face the challenge of those days. The Sisters who weaved the history of the Convent worked very hard against all odds and ends in order to develop education and help people in need. The explosion of the population played a part in the development of the School. World War II brought life to a sudden halt as caravans of people took refuge in the North of the Island to avoid the enemies’ attacks on the Dockyard and other targets. The Convent and School were requisitioned by Government as a Military Hospital.
After the War, Paola knew once more happy and prosperous days. Many were the foreigners who opted for Education at MBC School. This necessitated more space and a plan of expansion was worked out both on the Convent and School side. In the 70’s political clouds were gathering and actually burst in a series of problems for Education. The Church intervened to save the Private Schools of the Diocese, with the result that all Private Schools became Church Schools. The number of Religious. Teachers was reduced as foreign religious had their teaching License withdrawn. This caused many of them to leave the island.
In 1980 circumstances demanded the amalgamation of the 3 upper Forms of Mater Boni Consilii with the Blata L-Bajda School. So Forms III, IV, and V were transferred to our School at B. Bajda. Leaving Paola with just one stream of Girls from Pre Grade to Form II. The exigencies of Modern Education demanded greater and better facilities. The Millennium Project saw the building of an annex on the premises consisting of a Gym, A Computer Lab, Art room and others. The complex was opened on the 23 .6. 2001 .
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771