Category Archives: Senior 1

Just Dance…to Angle Relationships in the Senior 1 Class – February 2024

On Friday 23rd February 2024, the Senior 1 class had a very interesting lesson related to Angles. Parallel lines and transversals were drawn on the floor using masking tape, and in […]

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European Day of Languages Competition – February 2024

Victoria Maria Grech, of Senior 1, recently participated in a competition dedicated to the European Day of Languages which was organised by the National Literacy Agency. On Thursday 15th February […]

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Commemorating the Feast of St Paul – February 2024

On Thursday 8th February 2024, the school commemorated the feast of the shipwreck of St Paul. During the assembly, some students in Senior 1 shared some reflections on the shipwreck of […]

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Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week – February 2024

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week which falls between Monday 5th February and Sunday 11th February 2024, our Mental Health Student School Council Committee, under the supervision of Ms Alexia […]

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Senior 1 Class Mass – January 2024

On Thursday 25th January 2024, the Senior 1 girls participated in class mass which was celebrated by Fr Leonard Mintoff, the school chaplain. The celebration was animated by the students themselves. The […]

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Practising Cooking Skills – January 2024

On the 17th and 24th of January 2024, the Senior 1 girls practised different skills related to cutting, chopping, dicing, slicing, grating and peeling. They chose a vegetable and/or a […]

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Session on Artificial Intelligence for Senior 1 Class  – January 2024

On the 23rd of January the Senior 1 class had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The session was led by Dr Saleem Qureshi, Co-Founder of Lincoln […]

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Tennis Sessions during P.E. Lessons – January 2024

On Wednesday 10th January 2024, some primary classes had a tennis session during their P.E. lesson. The session was led by Mr David Attard, a certified tennis coach. The aim of the […]

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Spreading Christmas Joy at a Community Residence – December 2023

On Monday 18th December 2023, the Senior 1 girls visited Dar l-Annunzjata in Tarxien where they sang various Christmas Carols to the residents. This activity was coordinated by Ms Mary Grace […]

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French is Fun Day Celebration – December 2023

On Tuesday 12th December 2023, the Senior 1 and 2 pupils who study French enjoyed themselves during the French is Fun Day. On the day, the girls brought some food items with […]

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