School Calendar Third Term 2024-2025
The school community welcomes Ms Alicia Maschmann, a German student teacher studying at the University of Paderborn in Germany. She is conducting internship at our school as part of the Erasmus+ KA103 […]
Mater Boni Consilii, St Joseph School Paola joined the rest of the world today to celebrate World Mental Health Day. Ms Nicole, the Grade 5 teacher and Ms Elaine, the […]
On Monday 10th October 2022, a PTA meeting was held where the following parents/guardians were nominated and appointed as members of the PTA for the next two scholastic years: President […]
On Monday 10th October 2022, during the Maltese lesson, the girls in Senior 1 and Senior 2 learned more about Malta’s National Poet: Dun Karm Psaila. The girls were given an […]
During the week between 10th and 14th October 2022, the school is celebrating Mental Health and Wellbeing Week. Various educators are preparing activities to be carried in class. On 10th […]
On Monday 3rd October 2022, the Grade 2 class performed the song He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands during the morning assembly. The girls were guided by Ms Mary […]
On Tuesday 4th October 2022, members of the Eko Skola committee delivered a presentation during the assembly. Julie Rose Attard and Kate Falzon spoke about their experience of measuring surface temperature […]
On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, our school got a surprise visit from Casal Nuovo residence on Wednesday 5th October 2022. Residents Ms Romina and Ms Grace, together with activities […]
Monday 3rd October 2022 marked the first day of school for our Pre-Grade students. The girls were welcomed to school by Dr Kenneth Vella, the Headmaster, during the morning assembly. During […]
Over the summer holidays, the school bought various books for our school library. The level of the books is targeted for children of different age groups. Thanks to Ms Mary […]
St. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mater Boni Consilii Str.
PLA 1613
Tel: +356 21 800372
Fax: +356 21 672771