Category Archives: Empowering Students

YRE Entries – March 2023

The Senior 2 students have worked on the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) projects for this scholastic year. Thanks to Ms Julie Tabone Valetta, the English teacher, who coordinated […]

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Presentation of LEAF Awards – January 2023

Our school has been awarded the Learning about Forests (L.E.A.F.) award for the sixth time for the work carried out during the last scholastic year. On Tuesday 17th January 2023, Ms Alexia […]

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Eco Code Presentation of Certificates – January 2023

The Eko Skola committee recently held the Eco Code competition to choose the Code which will represent the goals on which the school is focusing this scholastic year. Several girls […]

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Presentation of Dinja Waħda Gold Award  – November 2022

On Thursday 24th November 2022, our school was presented with the Dinja Waħda Gold Award. Ms Lycia Bezzina, the Dinja Waħda coordinator, together with Skye Bonello and Anthea Manara of Grade […]

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Litterless Campaign Launch – October 2022

On Thursday 27th October 2022, the Grade 6 and Senior 1 girls from the Eko Skola Committee attended the Litterless Campaign launch which was held at Golden Bay. This activity was […]

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Presentation by Eko Skola Members – October 2022

On Tuesday 4th October 2022, members of the Eko Skola committee delivered a presentation during the assembly. Julie Rose Attard and Kate Falzon spoke about their experience of measuring surface temperature […]

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CIRCLE Award for Solidarity – June 2022

On Thursday 16th June 2022, Yasmine Camilleri of Senior 2, was given an award for the most outstanding student. She was awarded for her exemplary behaviour, for taking extra care of […]

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Grade 6 Dinja Waħda Activity – Something Fishy – June 2022

The Grade 6 girls recently had an activity related to the Dinja Waħda programme. The girls were provided with information regarding different species living in Malta’s shallow waters. Each student had to […]

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Dinja Wahda – Grade 5 activity – Round Robin – June 2022

The Grade 5 class recently carried out an activity in relation to Dinja Waħda programme. After reading facts about the Robin (Maltese pitirross) and the story Lucky Robin, the girls made a robin mobile.  The activity […]

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Dinja Waħda Grade 1 Activity – I Promise – June 2022

The Grade 1 girls recently held an activity in relation to Dinja Waħda programme called I Promise. The girls had to colour in a picture of a  hedgehog and then […]

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